Louis Urban and LMIT are proud to present GerritForge™ now available for CollabNet® TeamForge™ platform as SCM Adapter and provide seamless integration of GIT as pluggable SCM powered by Gerrit, the popular GIT SCM Server engine that provides code-review and promotion model.
Gerrit is used by Google for the development of the Android™ platform.

All details availabe at gerritforge.com


Git Enterprise is now open and live for everyone! For a limited amount of time you will be able to sign our 1GB/10users free plan, simply signup at gitenterprise.com

Git is a fast distributed version  control system that can efficently handle small and large projects. It  simplifies distributed development and protect investments with its  application compatibility features (SVN, CVS).
Git Enterprise leverages on Git technical strengths adding advanced enterprise management features. Click here for a full overview of Git Enterprise features!

Louis Urban Ltd is one of the entrepreneurs behind this project.
Louis Urban ltd is now proud sponsor of JUG Torino, one of the top italian Java User Group!

Bruno Bossola, director, says: "I'm personally very proud of this sponsorship. It means a lot to me, not only because I was, in 2001, a co-founder of the JUG, but especially because I know the value of the people there."
This post is to celebrate the birth of our firm: we are really proud to be now part of the business world as main characters.
We are currently involved in quite a few projects, and we are excited about the opportunities that the market is now offering. I can't say how much all of us are excited about to start working with our partner teams.

As director, I just want to catch the opportunity to wish all the team a big good luck!

Bruno Bossola
Louis Urban LTD